GateWay To Freedom
By Princeess Sharula and Shield Dux Every
Now and then a special event comes along that changes the course of history. The sinking of atlantis bequeathed a new experience on this earth, the comming of Jesus Christ marked the Piscean Age, the 1960's announced the dawning of the Aquarian Age, Harmonic Convergence established a new course towards harmony.
12:12 heralds the birth of the Golden Age of Man. Special astrological events hold archetypes of energy.
12:12 holds the archetype of freedom from all types of limitations concerning the body. The number 12 holds the code for mastery. Therefore as the cells of our bodies anchor these new
12:12 frequencies on December the 12th, the chains of limitation will fall away. Physical immortality becomes not only a possibility but death will soon become the exception to the rule. Our whole global community is sensing a paradigm shift in the air. All of us are experiencing deep personal changes to prepare for a new way of being; a way of being that has not been experienced on this planet since the Golden Age over 12,000 yrs ago. As light-workers, we are already encoded in the cells of our bodies to act as energetic receiving-stations and to absorb the new blueprint for the 12:12 energies of freedom. What does that loook like for us? Committing to the ultimate a human being can achieve in one incarnation .. Ascended Mastery! The energies anchored on 12:12 will make this possible. If 144,000 people (the sacred number needed to cause the "hundreth monkey" effect) commit to personal mastery, then it will cause a trickle-down effect to the rest of the community. Think about it!! A whole planet of Ascended Masters! Remember, anything one thinks about or conceives of can be made possible with commitment. The Spiritual Hierarchy who guide us on this planet, have issued a clarion call of participation for this global event. They need everyone who is reading this information to joyously spread the word. When a being participates with the clarion call to reach the other 144,000 their consciousness will experience the first waves of the 12:12 energies even before the actual date. So share this information with your loved ones, friends, meditation groups and networkers. No matter what level of participation you choose, every effort will be felt in the ethers and inner realms. Know that even though the terminology may be foreign, or different, from what you are used to, all of your favourtie master teachers and guides are fully aware of this paradigm shift and global event now being called 12:12. Ask around and observe the "buzz" surrounding 12:12 spreading through the light-working community, that in itself is your verification that Spirit is up to something Big! You may be asking yourself how do I participate with the 12:12? If you wish to be one of the 144,000 don't wait to be chosen, choose yourself. Remember the adage "God helps those who help themselves". On the day of the December 12th, be with a group of like-minded individuals and do ceremony. Re-dedicate yourself as a priest or priestess for the light. Choose to become physically immortal. Choose to achieve personal mastery no matter how long it takes. Here in lies the gift of 12:12. Since we are no longer on a planetary plan of cataclysm very few of us will be "beamed up". Instead, the Spiritual Hierarchy wants us to take responsibility for our home-planet which is now in a healing crisis. To truly save the planet and bring it into the Golden Age it will take all of us doing the work as Ascended Masters. To achieve the ascended master state may take many light-workers more time than is available in a average lifespan. What greater gift could we receive than that of physical immortality. We encourage you to either help create a 12:!2 anchoring event in your area, find one happening near you and join in, or do you own thing. Your ceremony or dedication to spirit can be alone and silent; you can do a sweat-lodge, climb a mountain, spend the day at a power spot or vortex, but whatever it may be, tune in soon and get your directives from Spirit as to where you are supposed to be on Dec. 12th and how you should participate. The 12:12 energies will arrive with the sun. So where ever you are on the earth on December the 12th, the most potent and receptive time to do ceremony will be at sunrise. As the planet revolves, your geographic area will be bathed in the 12:12 energies at dawn. If you are wondering about ceremony at 12 mintues after noon, that too is good, as is sunset. All day celebrations will be taking place in some locations. The main thing to remember is that there is no right-or-wrong. Another powerful option is to be in the sacred land of Egypt. Egypt has long been considered the "temple of the world". As Egypt goes, so goes the rest of the world. This is why the Ascended Masters have asked that at least 1,000 light beings be in Egypt at the Great Pyramid to personally receive the new frequency. The Great Pryamid acts as an antenna for all achetypal energies as they enter the planet. The frequencies then in turn ripple out to the other main vortexes of the world. To be at the Great Pryamid on 12:12 will be like being at headgates of a river, or a dam when the water is released. Those of us there will never be the same! If you are intrigued by the lure and history of Egypt you may be one of the Melchizedek initiates dedicated to its Light. Light-workers everywhere are awakening to the Melchizedek within them these days. What is a Melchizedek? The order of Melchizedek is a "cosmic" priest/-priesthood. Souls throughout the cosmos who are, and always have been, dedicated to returning fallen planets and individuals back to the "Light". Being a Melchizedek is definately not a requirement to participate with the 12:12. We hope, however, that as you read this the very word Melchizedek causes a stirring of memory long past. With that in mind we invite you to join us on a magical trip along the NIle, to reenact ancient initiations at all the chakra temples, finishing at the Great Pyramid to welcome the energies of freedom on 12:!2. We invite you to "return to Egypt" and embrace the powerful initiate priest/priestess that has lived many lives in the temples of that mystical land and to take part in this evolutionary leap for humanity. However you choose to participate on 12:12 know that wherever you stand during that moment of re-dedication to Spirit is Holy Ground. 12:12 is called the Gateway to Freedom because the energies it will provide, in conjunction with your dedication to become all tht you can, will propel you through the gateway of your personal freedom. In conclusion, re-dedicate your life to Spirit on December 12th, because only through Spirit can an individual find his/her way from the state of manhood into godhood. We urge you to make copies of this and distribute this. For more literature and information regarding 12:12, ceremonies, and 12:12 Egypt trip contact : Ascension Week Enterprises 500 N. Guadalupe suite G#200A Sanata Fe NM 87501 USA (505) 471-2897 This has been typed from a photocopy for the lighwork-l mail list, by Paul Dunlop. Bright Blessings all :)